Friday, March 26, 2010

Mommy's first scare!

Stella started out with what seemed to just be the common cold. A couple days later I noticed she was severely congested and sounded horrible! When she would cough she would sometimes choke on the phlegm and turn bright red and be gagging so much she would stop breathing for a few seconds! I was in such a panick! She also would start wheezing so badly that you could hear her from another room away!

It seemed to me like she was perhaps having asthma attacks. I took her into Kingston General Hospital a few evenings back and she was admitted right away with the triage nurse saying "infant under resperatory distress here!", that made me so terrified to hear that!

They hooked her up to a nebulizer with asthma medication in it, and it seemed to help a lot so they sent us home... saying it was probably just a cold that got in her chest and it will go away in a few days...

Something just didn't sit right with me on calling it just a COLD! The symptoms started to come back and so did the wheezing, I took her back in the next morning and asked for them to please look into it further, of course the wheezing stopped by the time I brought her in so they said again "JUST A COLD!"

When I brought her home it got worse and I decided to take her into our other hospital in Kingston called "Hotel Dieu" it has an emerg outpatient department just for pediatrics (this is the place I should of taken her all along, but I totally forgot about it.) The doc came in right away and knew what it was just by listening to her! She said its RSV, which is a resperatory virus.... It can be quite dangerious for infants so they sent us home with an inhaler with a mask attached to it to give to infants and I am to give it to her every 4 hours or so throughout her cold.....

IT IS GETTING MUCH BETTER, WE DON'T HEAR HER WHEEZE AT ALL ANYMORE. I asked if this could be asthma and she said yes, it could be however they do not diagnose asthma to infants or kids under 5 just because it could be so many other things, so if she has this same cough and wheezing problem with every cold or allergy she has until she is about 4 or 5 then it probably is asthma, so we will have to wait and see.