Friday, June 11, 2010

Being a stay at home mommy!

I know it has been way to long since I last wrote. It has been so very busy around here lately. My mom just left, she was here for a few days and I know that her and Stella enjoyed their time together. We visited Newaygo (our family cottage & lake), it was a lot of fun, Hunter got to roam around the woods and Stella also got to spend time with her great grandma & great aunt & great great aunt.

I can't get over how fast Stella is growing. She will be 6 months on Monday. She is the size of a 1 yr old! She can roll over both ways and kind of scoot around. One thing I notice about her (which apparently was the same for me all my childhood) is that she ALWAYS needs a circus! She gets bored very easily with things and wants to move on to the next thing or be picked up and changed positions. She makes this ugggggh Noise over and over again when she is done with the scenery or the current activity lol. It is hilarious but at the same time kinda annoying. She takes after her daddy, I think she might have ADHD as well. =)

After much discussion about whether I should go back to work part time or not we have decided that I need to be a stay at home mommy. I have always toyed with the concept but never fully embraced it as my job description until this week! I am so excited about being there for every milestone, knowing that I am providing the best care possible for our daughter, and calling myself a true "homemaker".

I am saving us so much money but not having to pay for childcare or a cleaner. My days consist of caring for Stella & our doggie Hunter. I cook, clean, do laundry, exercise, go for walks with Stella strapped to me, do our grocery and other shopping, do gardening, Stella & I signed up for mommy & me swimming lessons that start in July & also there is a playgroup that meets once a week that we are going to start going to. Part of my job description is to also manage our finances & pay the bills, bargain shop, cut out coupons and fun stuff like that. I also watch one of my old daycare kids 3 nights per month when her mom works the night shift. I get some play money from Rob each week that I can spend how I want, and I use our debit card for things we "need". It is a great arrangement. I am so happy with our life and I feel truly blessed that we are able to live how we want and that I am able to care for our child exclusively.

I have also gone on a health eating kick & exercise religiously. I feel so energized and happier, more full of life. It is also a lot cheaper to eat healthy with groceries than to eat poorly with drive ins and take out! I will be tracking my progress on here as we go, so far I have lost 12 lbs in 4 weeks!